Sunday, March 2, 2014


Now, to be fair, this isn't the most widely marketed candy in the U.S. anymore (I think... we don't have cable or satellite anymore), so I can't blame Mandi too much for never trying it - but come on - Halloween? Never?! Well, given their ad quality while Mandi was of the age where kids want all candy and chocolate, there isn't much appeal to the candy as an 10 year old I guess... In this ad you see people on mass transit, a guy getting his balls hit or peeing his pants (can someone please explain what is going on in this second scene?!) and an older gentleman unable to tie a bow tie - not the most kid-appealing ad. And the jingle, well, it's just not something kids would sing either.

Anyway, reluctantly, she agreed to try it, but ended up liking it, despite the fact that her face looks like she was sucking on a Warhead candy.

Peanut Brittle

Now, growing up, I definitely can't say that Peanut Brittle was a staple in my house, but it was something that my father always liked as did his father. Despite the fact that Mandi's dad also liked it, Mandi never recalled eating it. She did end up enjoying it for the first time as a 26 year old.