Wednesday, May 1, 2013


     Some of you may know us from Baseball Dates where we've brought you our reviews and experiences from around the world country with the focus 95% of the time on one great American past-time: Baseball. This blog deals with another great American past-time: eating. We all do it, we love it, there are magazines about it and billions of dollars every year are spent marketing it. However, this blog will focus on our food (maybe we'll throw in a recipe here and there about something we ate), but the emphasis will be on Mandi's first time trying things.
     See, when I met Mandi, it was clear to me that her Mom knew how to cook, but was limited by the rest of her family's fear of certain foods, if not downright refusal to eat certain things. Add in the fact that Mandi doesn't do spicy foods and I think previous to me thought that "spices" in food always meant they would be spicy. Mandi also claimed she didn't like chocolate (which, has proven largely true, at least in large quantities), so at last, we arrive at this blog which documents Mandi's first time trying foods, many of which I think most readers will have had, or at least tried for as long as they can remember.

    Here are two photos of Mandi's first time eating a cherry. That's right - the fruit. A cherry. The first one she had was a little less than ripe, hence the sourpuss reaction, but the next one made her realize what a wonderful fruit she had missed out on the first 25 years of her life. I wish I was joking... but then again, I wouldn't have a blog for this kind of thing without it. 

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